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Spanish American War Rosters and Muster Rolls

By Patrick McSherry

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Listings of Military Personnel (Rosters and Muster Rolls, USWV Rosters, etc.):
Army Rosters ||| Navy Rosters ||| United Spanish War Veterans Rosters ||| Others ||| Regimental Histories

Below are the rosters of military units that we presently have available either in our collections or on the web. We hope to add more listings of military personnel on the website.  (For rosters listed below, but not yet on the website you can contact us and ask us to check the listing for you). If you have a unit roster you would like to contribute, please contact us us so that we can add it to the website.

The rosters we have at present:

Chanler's Rough Riders
Maine Volunteer Artillery Battalion
Oregon Volunteer Artillery, Battery A
Pennsylvania Keystone Battery (Pennsylvania Battery A)
Pennsylvania Battery B
"First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry" Pennsylvania Cavalry
Georgia Volunteer Light Artillery
"Governors Troop," Pennsylvania Cavalry
"Sheridan Troop," Pennsylvania Cavalry
"Battery C" Pennsylvania Volunteer Artillery
Heavy Battery, South Carolina Volunteer Artillery
"Troop A" New York Volunteer Cavalry
"Troop C" New York Volunteer Cavalry
Ohio Volunteers in the U.S. Hospital Corps
Separate Companies, A and B, Indiana Volunteer Infantry
U.S. Volunteer Signal Corps
Vth Corps' (Parker's) Gatling Gun Detachment
1st Alabama Volunteer Infantry
1st Arkansas Volunteer Infantry
1st California Volunteer Infantry, Co. K (Students from Stanford University)
1st California Heavy Artillery, Battery B
1st Connecticut Volunteer Infantry
1st Connecticut Volunteer Artillery
1st Florida Volunteer Infantry
1st Florida Volunteer Infantry, Co. C 
1st Idaho Volunteer Infantry
1st Illinois Volunteer Infantry
1st Kentucky Volunteer Infantry
1st Maine Volunteer Infantry
1st Maryland Volunteer Infantry
1st Marine Battalion Serving Aboard USS HARVARD
1st Marine Battalion (Reinforced)
1st Massachusetts Volunteer Heavy Artillery
1st Mississippi Volunteer Infantry
1st Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Co. E
1st Montana Volunteer Infantry
Partial Roster of 1st Nebraska Voliunteer Infantry
Partial Roster of 1st Nevada Volunteer Infantry Battalion
1st New York Volunteer Infantry
1st North Carolina Volunteer Infantry
1st North Dakota Volunteer Infantry
1st Ohio Volunteer Cavalry
1st Ohio Volunteer Light Artillery
1st Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Co. F
1st Rhode Island Vol. Infantry, Co. I
1st Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry
1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry
1st South Dakota Volunteer Infantry
Partial roster of the 1st Territorial Volunteer Infantry
1st Texas Vol. Infantry
1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry ("Rough Riders")
Partial Roster of the 1st U.S. Volunteer Engineer
Roster of the 1st Vermont Volunteer Infantry
Partial Roster of the 1st West Virginia Volunteer Infantry
1st Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry 
2nd Alabama Volunteer Infantry
2nd Arkansas Volunteer Infantry
2nd Missouri Volunteer Infantry
2nd New Jersey National Guard
2nd New York Volunteer Infantry
2nd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry
2nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
2nd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry
Partial Roster of the 2nd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry
Partial Roster of the 2nd Texas Volunteer Infantry, Co E
Partial Roster of the 2nd U.S. Volunteer Engineers
2nd Virginia Volunteer Infantry
Partial Roster of the 2nd West Virginia Vol. Infantry
2nd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
3rd Alabama Volunteer Infantry
3rd Connecticut Volunteer Infantry
3rd Kentucky Volunteer Infantry
3rd New Jersey Volunteer Infantry
3rd North Carolina Volunteer Infantry
3rd Ohio Volunteer Infantry
3rd Tennessee Volunteer Infantry
3rd U.S. Volunteer Cavalry
3rd U.S. Volunteer Engineers
3rd  Virginia Volunteer Infantry
3rd Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry
4th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
4th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Co. E
4th New Jersey Volunteer Infantry (partial)
4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
4th Ohio Volunteer Infantry Members Who Died While in Service
4th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
4th Tenneseee Volunteer Infantry
4th Virginia Volunteer Infantry
5th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
5th U.S Infantry, Co. M
Partial Roster of the 5th U.S Volunteer Infantry
6th California Volunteer Infantry
6th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
6th Missouri Volunteer Infantry, Co. E
6th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Partial Roster of the 6th U.S. Volunteer Infantry
6th Virginia Volunteer Infantry
7th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
8th Illinois National Guard
8th Massachusetts  Volunteer Infantry
Dead of the 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
8th U.S. Cavalry (Partial Roster)
9th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
9th U.S. Volunteer Infantry
Partial roster of the 9th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
10th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
10th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
10th U.S. Cavalry
10th U.S. Volunteer Infantry
11th U.S. Infantry
12th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry
13th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry (A-L)
13th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry (M-Z)
13th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, Company E
15th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
18th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
20th Kansas Volunteer Infantry (partial)
Officers of the 22nd New York Volunteer Infantry
Partial Roster of the21st U.S. Infantry
23rd Kansas Volunteer Infantry
Partial Roster of the 23rd U.S. Infantry
24th U.S.Infantry
27th Battery, Indiana Volunteer Artillery
32nd Michigan Infantry, Co. H
35th Michigan Infantry, Co D
Roster of officers of 48th U.S. Volunteer Infantry
Roster of officers of 49th Iowa Volunteer Infantry
Roster of officers of 49th U.S. Volunteer Infantry
51st Iowa Volunteer Infantry, Co. M
71st New York Volunteer Infantry
157th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
158th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
159th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, Co. B
160th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
203rd New York Volunteer Infantry

Crew Roster for the ABARENDA
Crew roster for the USRC ALGONQUIN
Partial Roster of the USS ALVARADO
Crew Roster of the USS AMPHITRITE
Crew Roster of the USS ANNAPOLIS
Crew roster for the BALTIMORE
Crew roster for the BOSTON
Crew roster for the BROOKLYN
Officers of the USRC CALUMET
Crew Roster of the CASTINE
Crew Roster of the CINCINNATI
Crew roster for the CONCORD
Officers of the USRC CORWIN
Crew roster for the DETROIT
Crew Roster of the DIXIE
Crew Roster of the DOLPHIN
Crew Roster of the DuPONT
Crew Roster of the EAGLE
Crew Roster of the ERICSSON
Crew roster for the HARVARD
Partial Crew roster for the HELENA
Partial Crew of the HIST
Crew of the USRC HUDSON
Crew Roster of the INDIANA
Officers of the USRC LOUIS McLANE
Crew roster for the MAINE
Officers of the USRC MANNING
Crew Roster for the MERRIMAC
Crew roster for the McCULLOCH
Officers of the USRC MORRILL
Crew roster for the NANSHAN (Only American crewman -Lt. Benjamin W. Hodges)
Crew roster of NASHVILLE and MARBLEHEAD crewmen who took part in the cutting of the cables at Cienfuegos.
Roster of the Marine Guard of the USS NEW YORK
Roster of the New York Naval Militia
Crew roster for the OLYMPIA
Crew roster for the PETREL
Crew roster for the RALEIGH
Officers of the USRC RICHARD RUSH
Partial Crew roster, Auxiliary Cruiser ST. LOUIS
Partial Crew roster, Auxiliary Cruiser ST. PAUL
Officers of the USRC ULYSSES S GRANT
Partial Crew roster, Gunboat WASP
Officers of the USRC WINDOM
Officers of the USRC WOODBURY
Partial Crew roster, Auxiliary Cruiser YALE
Crew roster for the YOSEMITE
Crew roster for the ZAFIRO (Only American crewman  - Ensign Henry A. Pearson)
Roster of the Connecticut Naval Militia
Roster of the Maryland Naval Militia
Roster of the New York Militia
Roster of the South Carolina Naval Militia
U. S.Marine contingent that served aboard the Auxiliary Cruiser YANKEE
Listing of U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps Personnel killed in battle

United Spanish War Veterans Camp Rosters:

Members of Guy V. Henry Post, Camp #3, USWV, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Members of Fitzhugh Lee Camp #4, Dallas, Texas

Other Listings:

Missouri Troops who received the federal service medal
Missouri Troops who received the Army Spanish Campaign service medal
Listing of Soldiers who died at Camp Wikoff's Detention Camp
Listing of Soldiers who died at Camp Poland, Knoxville, Tennessee
Listing of Spanish American War Veterans Living in Buffalo Co., Nebraska in 1918

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